WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8TH | ACTS 18: 9-11 Paul had been teaching in the synagogues of Corinth, convincing both Jews and Gentiles that Jesus was the Messiah. But some did not receive his message well. They opposed and reviled Paul, forcing him to leave. God encouraged Paul in a nighttime vision: Don’t be afraid. Don’t stop preaching and teaching. I am with you and will protect you. God often chooses nighttime to speak or reveal visions. Perhaps, because God knows we will be quieter, more still, more able to hear and discern without the day’s distractions. Have you ever experienced God speaking to you? What time of day was it? How can we position ourselves this Advent to hear and receive God’s encouragement? God of grace, help us set time this Advent to listen for your voice and receive your visions. Encourage us to be still and undistracted. Encourage us to spend some time tonight focused on you. Amen.
These daily devotions are taken from the Presbyterian Outlook Journal. The entire devotional can be found linked below.