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Advent Devotional December 3

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3RD | PHILIPPIANS 2:12-16 We are lights meant to shine in the world. This is who God created us to be. Paul reminds the Philippians that God is at work within and through them. The world can know of God by the way we illuminate injustice and work to overcome the darkness of evil and sin. The world can know of God as we reflect Christ’s humility, love and desire to serve. As we move through this season of Advent, our mission becomes as clear as a cloudless night sky full of God’s glory. Let us shine! Let us shine! Let us shine! Inspiring God, you ignite us with passion and purpose. May we live as Christ lived. May we shed light on all that is wrong so we can clearly see how to work towards what is right. Illuminate us from within, Holy God, so we can shine like your stars in the world. Amen.

These daily devotions are taken from the Presbyterian Outlook Journal. The entire devotional can be found linked below.

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