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Advent Devotion December 21

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21ST | LUKE 6:12-16 When it comes time for Jesus to choose twelve disciples, he steps away from his ministry, finds a quiet place on a mountain and spends the night in prayer. In this way, Jesus models an attentiveness and intentionality about the work of discerning God’s will and making faithful decisions. Our days are full of busy distractions. Sometimes the only way we can hear God’s still small voice is to spend the night in prayer. What decisions do you need to make this Advent? What do you need to attend to that your busy day keeps you from? Where would God’s Spirit lead you if you set aside time tonight for prayer and discernment? Keep us vigilant, Holy God, for the ways you are present to us, helping us discern and decide the faithful path. Open us to the wisdom we can glean from you when we stay awake, watch and pray. Amen.

These daily devotions are taken from the Presbyterian Outlook Journal. The entire devotional can be found linked below.

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