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Advent Devotion December 20

MONDAY, DECEMBER 20TH | 1 THESSALONIANS 5:1-11 Should we be scared when Paul uses the thief as a metaphor for the day of the Lord? Fear motivates us to prepare for burglary or break-ins. But Paul’s words urge the Thessalonians to stay awake and sober so their faith, love and hope won’t be stolen by spiritual apathy or sleep-inducing comforts. We must be alert to honestly assess our present reality in the light of God’s kingdom to come. This Advent, let us spiritually prepare for Christ’s coming like we’d prepare for the night thief. Let us be awake to the ways Christ might break in. Merciful God, let us not grow comfortable with a world that is not in tune with your love and justice. Let us not slip into an easy apathy that disregards your call. Let us be ever watchful this Advent for the ways you break into our current reality to reveal Christ’s beloved community to come. Amen.

These daily devotions are taken from the Presbyterian Outlook Journal. The entire devotional can be found linked below.

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