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Updated March 18th, 2020 4:00PM​

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


I hope this post finds you doing well and that you are practicing social distancing and the best health protocols for you and your family. At First Presbyterian Church we are continuing to make the best informed decisions possible (day to day) for the health and vitality of our members, friends and guests.


In striving to serve you in this tumultuous time and in this season of social distancing, we are seeking to comply with the protocols and standards established by the White House Task Force and the CDC.  We are adjusting our ministry.  In "Re-Thinking, Re-Placing and Re-Visioning" our ministry, here is what you can expect until we receive new directions:


First, worship on Sundays will only be via Livestream.  Only "essential personnel" are asked to be on campus to administer worship for Livestream.  If you are at high risk, do not come to the church's campus.  Again, only "essential personnel" are being asked to attend so that we can offer a Livestream worship experience.  The Livestream services are as follows:

  • 8:00am worship (livestream only!)

  • 9:00am worship (livestream only!)

  • 11:00am (livestream only; repeat of the 9:00am service) 

The 8:00am service includes communion celebrated remotely. The church office has a limited number of individual wrapped "fellowship cups" that you can pick-up for Sunday.  During this crisis, you also may provide your own wine/grape juice and bread (This is your one chance to use real wine!).


The 9:00am includes Tim and Michael, Jacob Craig, and the FPC Youth Orchestra.


You can go to the website at anyone of these hours and "click" to join the service.


You are asked to attend via Livestream!  If you are in a residential facility and would like to gather with another couple (following approved pre-cautions), we encourage you to do that.  


We are asking you to share this e-mail with friends and family so they, too, can join us.  We are looking forward to having hundreds of worshiping viewers from throughout the country and across the globe! This "electronic" faith sharing is part of the "Re-Thinking" and Re-Visioning" we are being asked to engage in as we overcome this crisis.  Let's have something positive go viral for a change!


All the former focus was on participating in the service in "real time," though you can always enjoy our worship services at anytime through our website or through our Facebook page.


Second, we will continue to offer pick up meals as we are "Re-Visioning" Wednesday Night Dinners.  Our new vision is "Take and Go" dinners.  Get a meal for you and your family and get an extra meal to deliver to a friend or neighbor who its practicing social distancing/self isolating.   This week's dinner is "spaghetti." Next week's dinner will be a "comfort food" perennial favorite: Chicken Pot Pie.  Meal pick up is between 5:00PM and 5:30PM at the circle in front of the Center for Christian Life Building.  Reservations are strongly, strongly requested.


Third, Dr. Tim's Bible Study continues via livestream only on Tuesdays at 10:30am.  


Pastor Michael offers a "Virtual Bible Study" on Tuesday nights, at 7:30pm.  The link to join is: .


Finally, we are asking you to "Re-Think" your Lenten disciplines as you practice social distancing or as you care for others. Some of you may want to use our daily Lenten devotions that are being sent out during Lent as a beginning point for your prayers and reflections.  Some of you may want to gather in safe ways with your neighbors and/or friends to form a "small group" study or fellowship.  Some will gather for meals with small groups of friends and you can take time to "give thanks" and "faith-share!"  Some may want to simply take a walk and pray for those you love and miss.  Maybe you can call someone just to let them know you care!  Be creative, for the church and her ministry is not limited to spacial boundaries.  


Be safe.  Engage in "best practices" with your health care needs.  Being knowledgable and well informed, you are in the best position to determine what is right for you and your family.


Stay in touch by calling the church or Pastor Tim at 772-633-0120 or Pastor Michael at 803-627-9590.


May God bless you and your family!




Tim Womack

Senior Pastor

First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach





1) Go to

 Once you arrive to the church web page, it will automatically load the live streaming video of the worship service.  



If you wish to watch the worship service at a later time of day, follow these two steps:


1)  Go to

2)  Click on the "Livestream" button near the center of the screen.  (A list of service video will appear on the right-hand side of the screen.  The most recent service will be at the top of the list.)


If you need more detailed instructions, please click HERE.  



There are a number of factors to consider when determining the need to postpone or cancel a large gathering. These include:

  • The overall number of attendees. Larger gatherings (for example, more than 250 people) offer more opportunities for person-to-person contact and therefore pose greater risk of COVID-19 transmission.

  • The number of people attending who are at greater risk of more serious illness after contracting COVID-19. Older adults and persons with severe pre-existing health conditions are thought to be at increased risk.  Older adults and persons with severe pre-existing health conditions should not at worship on campus until further notice.

  • The density of attendees within a confined area. Based on what is currently known about the virus, spread from person-to-person happens most frequently among close contacts (within 6 feet).

  • The level of transmission in your local community and the level of transmission in the areas from which your attendees will travel. To better understand the level of community transmission in your community (and in the communities from which your attendees will be traveling), consult with your local and/or state public health department.

  • If there are ways in which to significantly reduce the number of attendees. For example, for sporting events or school concerts, organizers could consider holding the event but significantly reduce the number of audience members.

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